Congratulations to our IPAD winners.

Further to our attendance as exhibitors in November at the Future of Utilities Conference, London, we were delighted to run a competition for all attendees to win 2 x brand new IPADs. 

The event was well attended and we were delighted to again see such great interest in the competition and a real buzz around our stand. Thank you to everyone who took part.

Huge congratulations to our lucky winners, Thomas Lyman-Smith of Homeserve and Steven Parks of Guernsey Electricity. Your IPADs are on their way.

We will likely be running this competition again at exhibitions and conferences throughout 2023. In the meantime, to understand how your business can achieve its objectives through CX outsourcing and BPO, email our BDM

Our CEO, Mark Thomason is also UK-based and available to offer enhanced value through a one-to-one consultation.