Transform Your Energy or Utilities Business
Through Outsourced Customer Services
We specialise in working with the Energy and Utilities Sector because we understand how the sector works and understand the challenges you face. We have a proven track record of enhancing CX for energy providers and we understand that your operation will have seasonal peaks in demand. The Bespoke proposition will help you efficiently manage the demand for customer service within your business in a cost effective way.
Bespoke International Group specialises in outsourced customer service and BPO delivery from our purpose-built centre in Durban, South Africa.
Over 750 Advisors in the UK Energy Markets
Largest Provider in SA to the UK Energy Market
Voice & Non Voice
24/7 Service
Over 20 Years SA BPO Experience
KPI Driven Service, Performance In-line With UK In-house
Billing, CS and Scheduling Software is Industry Specific, inc:
Junifer, Ecoes, Xoserve, Zendesk, Teleopti, Calibrio, Verint
Commercial Savings of over 50-60% on UK BPO Costs