growth in the news bespoke international group
This month, we have taken stock of the last financial year and been able to analyse the business performance in terms of turnover, headcount and profit. In-line with the upward trajectory recorded in the previous 3 years since our inception in 2019, we have once again recorded impressive growth in all areas.  

This continued growth has been picked up in the press by way of coverage in a number of online business platforms and publications. Impressive growth doesn’t happen by accident and we put our continued success down to some key factors, which include the following:
  • Our shareholders continue to invest and help us develop, innovate push-forward and progress
  • Our people are motivated to succeed and have a laser-like focus on customer satisfaction and results
  • South Africa and specifically Durban, continues to attract customer service and BPO business away from from other global locations
  • Our senior team continues to develop as we recruit fresh talent and onboard UK based experienced people
  • Quality is at the heart of our business. It underpins everything we do
  • We are a preferred partner in the Retail and Energy sectors
  • We have tremendous agility as a business and are adept at rapid provision and scaling up
Our story is covered in a number of business news sites, including: