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We’re delighted to announce that we’ve released our latest ‘Company Overview’.

Within this document, we outline our capability and ability to deliver outstanding CX services to clients in the UK, Australia, and the USA.


Download the PDF, to discover….

  • What makes us different. Our ethos is all about service, this underpins our success.
  • Our history and growth. In just 3 years, we have grown at a rapid but sustainable rate.
  • South Africa as an outsourcing destination. Discover why it is the leading outsourcing destination ‘Ranked the No1 CX destination’ in 2021.
  • Understand the reasons why Bespoke International can deliver incredible service levels and guarantee service continuity, security, and in-built resilience.
  • Our growth timeline. How did we get to where we are?
  • Omni Channel services that meet the needs of your clients. Voice, Live Chat, and Email.
  • Coming onboard? We walk you through the Bespoke onboarding process.
  • Real-life success stories. Read the case studies about our valued clients. Understand how they started with us, and how they have grown with us.
  • Our people underpin our service. Find out how we invest in our employees ‘from floor to board’.
  • Safety and security. How we operate to protect our people.



If you want to understand how Bespoke International Group can deliver an enhanced customer experience for your clients and help you achieve your business objectives, email us at

Our CEO is UK-based and available to offer enhanced value through a one-to-one consultation.